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Kenwood Pet Clinic

What are Doug's likes & dislikes?

Doug loves sunflower seeds, doing matrix-grade flying maneuvers, and her husbird, Riptide. She dislikes being "caught", but will consent to neck scratches if she's trapped in a human cuddle. 

What is her favorite memory of her life so far?

Doug is an approximately 5 month old white pigeon, likely released during a wedding or funeral, who sought shelter in an open garage during the late October snowstorm. Unable to find her way back to her loft, she came to live as an indoor bird with her soon-to-be mate, Riptide, a retired racing bird who was found injured and also unable to make his way back home. Four months later, Doug, aka "Baby Doug" announced her gender when she laid two opalescent eggs in a basket. Doug and Riptide spend their days cooing, dancing, preening, and nesting with each other. 

Instagram: @riptide_n_babydoug

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Kenwood Pet Clinic

Max likes mealworms, naps, and climbing on anything she can. If she could comprehend films I'm sure she'd also like her namesake, Mad Max.

She most dislikes knowing that other animals exist, especially anytime she sees a squirrel outside. 

My favorite memory with Max is when I first got her from an acquaintance in 2020, and she was so curious and fearless about wanting to figure out everything she could about me and her new home.

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Kenwood Pet Clinic

Sophie’s likes are:

- kitty treats, feathers, cheek rubs, napping while snuggling, and cardboard boxes


- when her puppy brother wants to play, late dinners, and disruptions to her napping schedule

Her favorite memory of her life so far:

- When Sophie was a kitten, she traveled everywhere with her mom and met a bunch of people.  Now, because she is so loved by everyone, and fondly referred to as Queen Sophie, she loves that people now travel to visit her at her house to give her cheek rubs.

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