Name: Bullet, 2-year old American Guinea Pig
Bullet loves to run, faster than a speeding bullet! He enjoys his tunnels and eating carrots, lettuce and his morning vitamin C treat.
Bullet is outgoing and doesn't like when playtime is over. He sometimes plays escape artist and can be hard to catch. Bullets' favorite memories since adoption are meeting his mommy, his older brother Simba, and his new brother Rocky.

Name: Rocky, 2-year old American Guinea Pig Rocky is sassy and shy. He's slowly coming out of his shell since being adopted. Sometimes Bullet and Rocky have a sibling tussle, but they love each other. Rocky's favorites are carrots, cilantro and lettuce! He also loves to be held in a blanket and snuggled. Rocky doesn’t like to be told what to do. He is very independent and doesn’t like when you move his stuff around. Rocky's favorite memories are being adopted from the Animal Humane Society, meeting his new mommy, snuggling with her, and meeting his brother Bullet!