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Senior Dog of the month - Ozzy

Kenwood Pet Clinic

What are Ozzy's likes & dislikes? At almost 12 years old, Ozzy still loves playing fetch and can catch a toy mid-air with relative ease. He mourned the loss of siblings Zelda and Ruby along with his brother Frank the Tank but then patiently welcomed new puppy siblings Hazel and Beatrice to the pack. Frank has not been as patient. While he loves visiting the people at Kenwood Pet Clinic, one of his least favorite things to do is go to the vet and he has been there often in his lifetime as he loves to get into the garbage and eat socks, even in old age. 

What is his favorite memory of his life so far? He loves volunteering weekly as a therapy dog at Hennepin Healthcare (HCMC). He visits with hospital staff, patients and families in the Emergency Department, ICUs and Pediatrics. He brings comfort during some of the toughest times of a patient and family’s life. And he loves getting butt rubs from hospital staff who greet him by name.

You can follow Ozzy's adventures on Instagram: @threeandaquarterdogs

@hennepinhc (Hennepin Healthcare)

@nsta_mn. (North Star Therapy Animals)


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